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Hardwood charcoal

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Hardwood charcoal of high quality exported worldwide . We Restiteure Integrated Service Ltd is a supplier of charcoal and we are ready to sell them .
if there is any requirement kindly contact at:
skype: Steve.miller@vip.tradekey.com
https://www.facebook.com/Restituere-Int … 190775666/

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форум ушел в телеграмм: чат торговой площадки древесного угля https://t.me/charcoalrussia



Hello. We sell our own hard coal from hardwood (Oak, Grab, Ash). The coal meets the requirements of GOST 7657-84.The production of coal is in the Odessa region, near the port. The price per ton from the warehouse is 300 euros per ton. We ready to supply more than 100 tons per month.
On questions write: andre.jak@yandex.ru

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форум ушел в телеграмм: чат торговой площадки древесного угля https://t.me/charcoalrussia


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